Friday, February 29, 2008

Room 1263: Leap Day

At one point today, I was the only one working out and then later I was the only one in the laundrymat. Did Leap Day erase some of the population? Maybe some people can't handle 366. (I just got up to double check if I spelled laundrymat correctly...but my dictionary is useless...laundryman? laundrywoman? but no laundrymat. And then it hit me that I was at a computer and there is something nutty called the internet and it could probably tell me the spelling...and it is laundrOmat. I knew it didn't look right. But now it begs the question: Why the "o" and not the "y"? I don't have dirty laundro...)

Oh, and one more thing about Leap Day: I feel for the people born today and have to suffer the lame you're-only-(insert 1/4 of age here)-today jokes. But I don't feel for them if they are the ones making the joke.

This is the last thing, I swear: Martha Stewart decided to do a frog theme for Leap Day. I didn't watch but I'm sure there was a Frog Leg recipe and a how-to stenciled frog toilet seat cover.

OK, so I lied: I wonder how many of those Leap Day birthies actually calculated their exact age by subtracting three days for every four years of their life. And then celebrate their birthday accordingly. Because, as much as I hate to admit, my younger self would probably be all over that. Me now? Not so much. I'm not a stickler for age or birthdays. I just want to be taken out to dinner. Free Food! (I think I have stumbled upon a running gag...)

Amenities of Room 1263: One Night Free. And this special doesn't happen every year.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Room 1342: Photo Booth

I'm not sure what's worse: Using a photo from MacBook'sPhoto Booth for your Facebook profile or specifically taking a Photo Booth photo for your Facebook profile. Oh yes, I did. And I believe I worked on that photo for more than one minute...more like thirty. Oh Saturday nights! Why must you be so full of time?
A week ago, I decided to join the crazy kids and their Facebookin'. But I didn't have a decent picture. Enter Photo Booth. Because decent picture automatically equals Sepia Tone apparently. (I also went nutty with the B&W and the "Pop Art" feature. And I used props...) The best part (translated: saddest part)? I was thoroughly amused. I even dragged my poor dog into it. She gave me a look like "Shouldn't you be out?" Oh Mallory. Anyway, I took a good twenty of these pics. It really brought out the misunderstood-artsy-only friend out of town-thirteen year old inside me. I was going for "artistic" shots of me looking moody (which were originally intended to be my sexy look but that was not the outcome) and those oh-so-creative half-face shots (you know, the "here's only one eye! I'm edgy!") The whole experience took me back to about two months ago when a co-worker showed me a You Tube video of some preteen in her room singing some High School Musical song. We laughed. We mocked. And in my case, thanked God that I didn't have a video camera and that You Tube didn't exist in Junior High. Because that would have been me. I cringe to think what my "Hungry Like the Wolf" video would look like. I bet there would have been a lot of zooming and slo-mo...and props.

Amenities of Room 1342: Ample closets for wardrobe changes. Track lighting for provocative shadows. And Duran Duran on radio.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Room 833: Ms. Basswoman, the Sequel

Worried, weren't you? Thought I wouldn't do it, did you? Well, in your face! I bought a damn bass guitar. I went to about ten different Targets in the Valley to find one. And I'm on about ten different Target security tapes looking very disappointed in the electronics section. They had regular guitars, acoustic and electric, even a keyboard or two but no bass. They used to have them. I swear. Who would imagine that? More specifically, who would waste a good delusion on that? I thought all hope was lost. (And before you say a word: yes, I've heard of Craigslist. Yes, I know what a Guitar Center is. But I had to fulfill all aspects of my dream...) Hello,! Oh yes, they had them. More than one kind (which surprised the hell out of me). So I order myself the, wait for it, Silvertone ("Rockin' Since 1949") Revolver Bass & Amplifier in Colbalt Blue! Not only did it come with the amp but also an electric tuner, carrying case, sassy strap, instructional DVD with some dude who is probably in his eighth band, and a tiny little ziploc bag filled with colorful picks! Basically, I bought myself a Bar Mitzvah gift. I am pretty damn sure I'm the only female over thirty that bought this set for herself. (I hope I didn't destroy an eleven year old suburban boy's dream by buying the last one.) So I'm teaching myself to play and I've even told people about it. Hell, I even rocked the C Major scale for some co-workers. And no need to fret, Future Therapist, I'm sure there will be plenty of other unresolved issues for you to tackle...

Amenities of Room 833: Icy Hot for Sore Fingers. Soundproofed walls. And full length mirror for Rock Posturing.