From Merriam-Webster:
ditty bag
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: circa 1860
: a bag used especially by sailors to hold small articles (as needles and thread)
Or used by children in the seventies when visiting relatives in Arkansas for the summer. Yep. I had a ditty bag. I plan on using the term ditty bag as much as possible in this entry. Ditty. Bag. My ditty bag was trapezoidal in shape, dark blue (or was it black?) with plastic handles and a place for a name tag on the side. I used it to transport the cap gun and caps that I bought with my brother and cousins at the Davis Store (which inexplicably became the Davis Monument Store, as in headstones. I guess the cap gun market is rough) as well as a Malibu Ken doll that my cousin Dawn made me buy (she had a mismatched Barbie/Ken set and needed me to right her wrong). I still wish I had that ditty bag. It would be damn convenient. Carry on size and very Pan Am circa 1950. It should have come with a fedora and some horn-rimmed glasses.

I just did a Google image search and could not find my ditty bag! Oh the kids today with their fancy, colorful, designer ditty bags. (Paisley ditty bags go against all of my core values. And I won't even speak of the leather ditty bag with fringe...blasphemy!) They just don't know. Life was so innocent back when a child could carry a facsimile of a weapon onto an airplane in good old fashioned ditty bag.
Ditty Bag.
Amenities of Room 1298: Powder burns from cap "torpedo". Complimentary plastic Pan Am wings. And a free small, zippered container that doesn't have a name.