Long Way Down is the sequel to Long Way Around.
I feel I must explain further. LWAround (Look! I'm coining a new abbreviation!) was a reality show on Bravo that followed Ewan McGregor (insert lusty growl here) and his Best Bud Charlie Boorman as they went around the world on motorcycles. I'm not big into motorcycles but other than that, it was a near-perfect show. Why? Because it had Ewan McGregor. Well, damn if they didn't listen to my prayers for a followup! LWDown (!) is on Fox Reality (Yep. It's a real channel that shows Temptation Island marathons) and it traces Ewan and Charlie's journey from John O'Groats, Scotland to Cape Town, South Africa. (PS: Hearing Ewan say John O'Groats causes me to ovulate.) OK. So it's not just Ewan that makes me love this show. It's Ewan and Charlie together. I have a secret love for Bro-Mances (Disclaimer: I did not coin this term. And probably wouldn't have, either). Guys that like to hang out with their guy friends and do guy things...in a lovable guy way (some bro-mance shenanigans border on fratty and that is a turn off. Such a fine line). So LWDown is a televised bro-mance. And I'm there every week! I'm very protective of Ewan and Charlie. On the first episode, Ewan's wife asked to join them for a leg of their journey. I took it personally. I know you're his wife and all and I understand that I have no chance but this trip is a Ewan-Charlie thing. Motorcycles only have two wheels, lady! Leave that third one in London!
Amenities of Room 1462: No Girls Allowed.