One day while having lunch on the plaza, a guy walked by and waved at my female co-workers and I. He was wearing the grayish faded t-shirt and the rolled-up sleeved unbuttoned plaid shirt over top. And he was carrying a messenger bag. You can picture him, can't you? You've seen this guy. Twenty-something. Dorky from one angle; handsome from the other. And before you ask, it was warm out so no hipster cardigan but I'm sure he owns one. Well, my friends and I immediately started analyzing him. This dude (yes, I still use the word "dude" and without any shame or irony) brought up an internal debate: is he A) the geeky guy who happens to be attractive? Or is he B) a handsome guy who is rocking the nerd look? Because they are two completely different people. Guy A is the diamond in the rough. The one who is your lab partner that suddenly becomes incredibly hot to you two weeks before graduation and you kick yourself in the ass repeatedly for going to school with him since kindergarten and didn't really notice him until now. Guy B is the one that beautiful women date because they can fool themselves into thinking that they are dating him for his sense of humor. But ladies, don't even front. You are dating him because he's hot. I explained this theory to my friend and she thought he was Guy B. What? NO! Guy B can potentially be a dickhead (Guy Bs are funny, nice, and seemingly accessible making EVERY woman in his path fall for him even the nerd girls who think they may have a chance. However, he is often seen with said beautiful women mentioned above making him not funny anymore but annoyingly cocky). So I want Guy A, the authentic alt-geek! But a warning about him: he may force feed you Death Cab for Cutie.
Amenities of Room 1004: Vintage Clash T-shirt in the closet. Trial size bottle of God-I-wish-I-could-go-back-in-time-and-open-my-frigging-eyes.