I am weirdly drawn to these. My co-worker has them on her filing cabinet at work. Everytime I'm in her office I play with them. And I'm not five. And yes, "slut" and "ho" and "sux" and "lust" have made their way to the cabinet (in my and my co-workers' defense we have stayed in the PG-13 area. It is, afterall, a place of decorum). Not many at the theatre mess with them, only a select few and apparently, I am the most consistent. I have to say there is an appalling lack of vowels. I'm tempted to get more. And they are much more satisfying then the "magnetic poetry" trend. Because, well, they're BIG and BRIGHT! And oh so juvenile! You are a slave to the pre-printed pieces in the "mp" sets. I have two: a French one (which may actually help to retain all my French knowledge...if I used them) and a Shakespeare one. But with those, you don't have the satisfaction of creating semi-naughty words with tools from your childhood!
Amenities of Room 1230: Regression at the flip of a switch. "I'm Mandy, I Rock" spelled out on the AC unit. A just-like-new French Dictionary on the nightstand.
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