There's a wee food shop in downtown LA called Organics To Go. You can get organic food...to go. Truth in advertising, people! You can walk in; pick up some healthy, semi-healthy, and quasi-healthy foodstuff and go. But only before parting with about ten dollars for a sandwich, chips and bottled water. Then they'll let you go. My bottled water of choice is Twist Organics water. It’s water with “Simply a twist of juice”. It’s from a company called Talking Rain so that gives you an idea of the new agey-ness we’re dealing with. My favorite part, though, is the instructions on the side: “As is Life, Chill for Best Results”. Yep.
Now why am I getting all organic-y? I still sort of blame PBS but now it has a new partner is crime: Skinny Bitch. It’s a nutrition book by a former model and a former modeling agent who are both hardcore vegans. Now, being a non-former model or agent, my first inclination was to hate them. But after reading their book, I really don’t think they would care. They tell us to “Shut the fuck up”, “Stop putting shit in your body” and “Don’t be a pussy”. I have to admit that I kind of like them. So I’ll try to listen to their advice. (The chapter on farm animal treatment is way harsh. It was very tempting to slip into fingers-in-ears, la-la-la mode.) But that advice will have to come in baby steps. Because I have two big reasons that may prevent me from being a veg: Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love my traditional turkey dinners. (Well, if you call microwaveable Stovetop traditional…it is in my house!) And I don’t want to be the asshole that holds up the food ordering at restaurant with my “what’s in this?” routine. So I’ll start with incorporating some organic stuff, leaning toward veggie-ness. (Hell, I’ve even been to a vegan restaurant- thrice.) But I won’t worry about it. Instead, I’ll follow the advice of my Twist Organics water.
Amenities of Room 1185: Bamboo ice bucket. PETA approved mini bar. Belligerent wait staff.
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