Today was the first day of my The Artist's Way Morning Pages. I'm capitalizing Morning Pages because they are supposed to be so damn important. (Side note: did you hear that cynicism creep in? It's a constant competition between my new agey, spiritual side and my perpetually rolling eyes.) Anyway, I started the Morning Pages today and even though Julia Cameron tells me not to reread them, I thought I would reprint some of my gems from 8:15am this morning:
"Hands hurting. Need to use the bathroom. My mouth tastes nasty."
"Wonder if it's cheating to do Morning Pages after potty time."
"I love ellipses."
"Foot's falling asleep. At least my eyeballs are awake...kind of."
"Sorry, Universe, Morning Pages had to come with me to the toilet."
I fear a common theme will thread itself through each day if I don't give myself the permission to make the Morning Pages second on my daily To Do list.
Amenities of Room 867: En suite bathroom. Stream of consciousness TV Guide.
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