Once again, late to the party. Couldn't justify Netflix before. Had cable. But I've recently downgraded to good ole fashioned antenna and need to supplement the twelve PBS stations I have (Don't get me wrong. As you know, I love the shit out of my PBSes but they tend to have the same shows on them. And I don't really need to see the same Masterpiece Mystery Miss Marple movie twice. I know who did it).
So I signed up for the $4.95 a month plan on Netflix. And hell yeah! Two week free trial before I'm charged. Now the $4.95 plan is one DVD at a time, 2 max a month. I own and have borrowed a few DVDs that I have yet to watch. Ergo, basic plan. You know, supplement the library I already have. Logical, right? Watch one Netflix, watch one borrowed, watch one of mine, then watch the other Netflix for the month and get nothing done. Well, the two week trial ended yesterday and I've already upgraded to the $8.95 plan (one at a time, unlimited a month...unlimited!). What happened to my brilliant, logical plan? One word: Torchwood. It was a two DVD set. The first DVD wasn't available right away so I got something else (The Extras Christmas Special...I now have closure). I sent it back and TWO days later my next selection arrived: the first disc of Torchwood, Children of Earth. Yes, I watched it immediately. So now, with the $4.95-er, I would have to wait another week and a half to see Ianto die (Damned if that Entertainment Weekly didn't spoil that. I guess it didn't care because it wasn't Twilight. And dear EW, would you be so kind as to lay off the Twilight covers. I haven't read the books or seen the movie. And I'm getting that rebellious feeling that I get when everyone tells me how great something is and how I should see it and so I say a silent "F-You" and refuse to see it and I feel all cool and non-conformist when really no one cares that I don't see it. So because of that I'll probably Netflix that bitch). Back to Ianto dying. I didn't wait the week and a half because, as I spoiled above, I upgraded to $8.95 before I ever had to pay $4.95.
I also have about 70 DVDs already lined up in my queue.
Amenities of Room 740: No Cable. Complimentary paperback of Twilight, unread. Free upgrade, two weeks only.