Holy Crap. Here are my choices: Multi Product Tie-In CGI-fest
Transformers Vs. Generic Rom Com
License to Wed. Now I love a good girl movie.
Ever After? I fucking LOVE that movie! That’s right. I said it. I fucking love that film. Now if this were the only thing you knew about me, you would assume that I would take my ovaries out for a night of Mandy Moore and John Krasinski.

(Side note: According to imdb, Mandy Moore is 5’10” and from Orlando, FL. I myself am named Mandy, I’m 5’10” and from Orlando, Florida. I, however, don’t record albums. Also, as my mother likes to remind me, Mandy Moore used to take kids theatre classes at Civic Theatre…around the time I worked there…as a full-fledged adult. Alas. I would like to ask Mandy Moore two questions if I ever met her: 1) Mandy, did you ever have a hard time finding personalized key chains or mini license plates? Because, my God, they have “Madison”? But no “Mandy”? Whatever. 2) And how much do you loathe that horrific song “Mandy” by Barry Manilow? You don’t know humiliation until you walk up to a table and say, “Hi. I’m Mandy and I’ll be your server tonight” and they respond, “
Oooooh Mandy! Well, you came and you gave us our drinks….” I hate that song. Anyway, as for John Krasinski…well, I love me some Jim Halpert. Now if I said that about a year and a half or two years ago when “The Office” just started, that statement might be considered novel. Today, however, it’s: “Get in line, bitch.”) But, to continue my original thought, I’m not just a girly romance sucker, I also happen to be a nerd girl. So
Transformers? Giant robots smashing into each other? I have to admit that I’m intrigued. But how can I turn my back on my Central Florida sista and my new lust cowboy? Well, I’ll tell ya. The more I learn about
License to Wed the leerier I get of it. Is it Robin Williams, you ask? Well, not quite.

You know how when
Phantom Menace was coming out and everyone was saying, “Jar Jar Binks is going to ruin this movie!” so you prepared yourself to hate Jar Jar. But then you were completely blindsided by the kid who played Anakin! That’s how I feel about this movie: I’m all prepared for manic Robin Williams but wait! Little precocious kid sidekick. Didn’t see that coming! (Josh Flitter plays the kid. Flitter was also in
The Greatest Game Ever Played, starring Shia LaBeouf, star of
Transformers! I can’t believe no one is addressing this side of the July 3rd match up. And just so you know, I have not seen
The Greatest Game Ever Played because it’s about golf. However, in the trailer, Flitter utters the immortal line “President Taft!”) But
Transformers has the con of being a Michael Bay film and I hear he’s a dick. So which one do I give my money to? Well, it doesn’t matter because the group consensus is
Transformers. So I guess that makes me a sheep. Baaaaa.
Amenities of Room 1359:
Movie stubs of Independence Days past. One long overdue personalized sippy cup. And a fan letter to Mandy Moore from my mom.