First set was the United States Flash Cards featuring 52 cards (52! Besides all 50 and DC, there is a bonus card with a map of the US and all the states listed on the back. In case you forgot!). Fun Fact from the New Mexico card: its motto is Crescit Eundo which means "It Grows as It Goes". Yes, I giggled. Makes me want to drive to Santa Fe just to make jokes.
Second was the US Presidents. 48 cards. (No response, huh? Well, if you knew or cared about your presidents you would know that there are only 43 so far. I knew. I learned it from these flash cards. The other 5, by the way, are dedicated to president-related landmarks: the White House, Mount Rushmore, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial and Jefferson Memorial. The White House card has a quote from John Adams on it: "May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof." Silly Adams.) Fun Fact from the James Madison card: His portrait was on the $5,000 bill. I know! There was a $5,000 bill? Damn.

And the third set I bought is the Landmarks cards. 36 of them. Each have a picture of the landmark on the front (i.e. the Eiffel Tower or Machu Picchu) and on the back the name, where it's located, and a brief description. Fun Fact from China: these cards were made there but they failed to include one on the Great Wall. Either someone was modest or someone missed a printing deadline.
Amenities of Room 1376: Next to vending area which takes large bills. Room Service Menu in deck form. It Grows as It Goes on Pay Per View.
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