I'm very t-shirts and jeans but every once in a while I aspire to some modest fashion heights. Mainly, a half step up from t-shirts and jeans, which I guess would be a patterned t-shirty blouse and, well, jeans. (Side note: I go through shirts a lot because I get holes in them. Either I lean up against my desk too much or I have daggers in my bellybutton.) I've done the Ross thing, the Target thing and even the Forever 21 thing (but I don't have patience for Ross or Forever 21. You really have to plot out some time and dig through the racks. And frankly, I don't have that much will). So a friend introduced me to the H&M, otherwise known as Inexpensive & Trendy. It's Gap-y clothes mixed in with weird Euro cut numbers. Mostly stuff made in China but surprisingly, also made in Romania and Turkey. Who knew I would be sporting the latest looks from Bulgaria?

Amenities of Room 992: Separate dressing area complete with long line. Bedroom set with extra screws and multi-lingual instructions. And the NBA on ESPN.
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